Workforce Research
2024 NCCCO Foundation Workforce Research Report
To fulfill our goals of research, education, and workforce development, the NCCCO Foundation partnered with the Human Resources Research Organization (HumRRO) to conduct an exploratory workforce research project. The NCCCO Foundation wanted to focus on understanding several topics of interest, including the demographic makeup of load-handling employees, the state of the current recruitment pipeline, and how load-handling employees view their jobs and certification. HumRRO conducted a two-stage research effort beginning with nine focus group sessions where a total of 1,321 unique comments were collected and systematically coded into themes/categories. The research effort concluded with a widely distributed survey in which 1,205 load-handling employees participated. We assume that the data collected during this research effort likely represents the field more broadly.
The final research report written by HumRRO for the NCCCO Foundation includes highlights, executive summary, introduction, methodology, results and analysis, key takeaways and recommendations.
A few report highlights and recommendations are provided on this page, however the full research report can be downloaded here.
We welcome people to share information from this report, but we respectfully ask that credit be given to the NCCCO Foundation.
In light of the findings outlined throughout the summary and report, the HumRRO research team developed five primary recommendations that they hope can guide workforce development efforts for the load-handling industry. The recommendations are as follows:
- Diversify the recruitment pipeline to expand the potential recruitment pool.
- Decrease identified barriers for entering the field and becoming certified.
- Reanalyze the skills needed for jobs in the load-handling field to improve recruitment, hiring, and training efforts.
- Address and improve overall job satisfaction.
- Research and address the perspectives and needs of underrepresented groups.
A significant amount of detailed information regarding the research findings, key takeaways, and future and recommendations are provided throughout the report and are summarized in the Key Takeaways and Recommendations section. To gain a full understanding of the research findings, it is critical to read the full report for more details.